Frequently Asked Question

View/Edit Auto-Assignments (Epic Integrated Clients)
Last Updated 5 months ago

Auto-assignments are the set of questionnaires programmed to be assigned based on the visit type, patient age, and relationship of the respondent to the patient. Providers and practice leads will work with your CHADIS Account Manager to set up your auto-assignments in CHADIS during implementation. You will be provided with a default template of visit types and questionnaires based on typical office setups, but you will need to review and edit as needed.Your auto-assignments will be mapped to your Epic appointment types.

If you would like to change your listed visit types, contact your Account Manager and provide the exact visit type names you would like to delete, edit, or add. Only the CHADIS Administrators in your office have the ability to edit the questionnaires under each visit type.

The CHADIS Administrators in your office may edit your questionnaire list at any time after going live.

Follow the steps below:

1. Log in to CHADIS and click ‘Automatic Assignments’ under ‘Office Administration’ on the left hand side.


2. Click on the questionnaire to edit the patient age or respondent relationship. To remove a questionnaire, click on the red ‘X’ to the right of the questionnaire. To add a new auto-assignment to the visit type, click the green plus sign in the upper right corner.


3. Tips for editing a questionnaire:

a. Choose the minimum and maximum age you would like the questionnaire to become available to your patients. CHADIS assigns questionnaires 1-2 weeks ahead of the appointment for the CHADIS/Epic integration, so make sure to add extra lead time for all questionnaires, as it reads the age of the patient at the time of assignment. For example, if adding a 2 month ASQ, it would be best to choose 1 mos as the minimum age to add a buffer and make sure it gets assigned for 2 month appointments.

b. Use the dropdown menu to select the Relationship of the respondent to the patient. ‘Primary Caregivers’ encompasses all primary caregiver relationships (mother, father, stepmother, etc.). For teen self report questionnaires, you can choose ‘Self’. The questionnaire will only assign automatically if there is a CHADIS account for this patient with the relationship ‘Self.’ Choose ‘Teacher/Other Educator’ for the teacher categories.

c. Enter ‘Min Days Between Assignments if, once assigned, you don’t want that specific questionnaire assigned within a certain number of days if the patient cancels or schedules the same appointment type again. This is a feature that allows you to set how many days must elapse between one assignment of the questionnaire, before it can be assigned again.

4. To re-order questionnaires in the list, click and drag the questionnaire to the desired location.


5. To test the visit type auto-assignments to make sure you set things up correctly, click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner and click ‘Test this Visit Type’s Auto Assignments.’


6. Input the age of the patient and relationship of the respondent to see what questionnaires would be assigned.


7. To copy all auto-assignments in one visit type to another, click the 3 dots in the upper right corner and click ‘Copy These Assignments to Another Visit Type.’


8. Choose the Target Visit Type and decide whether you would like to overwrite the current auto-assignments for that visit type or add to the auto-assignments already listed. This feature is useful if you have another visit type that has similar questionnaires but needs just a couple adjustments.

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