Frequently Asked Question

Teachers with Multiple Students in the Office (PCC Integrated Clients)
Last Updated 6 months ago

If a teacher has multiple students in the office, they will have one CHADIS account connected to multiple patients. 

To connect an existing CHADIS account to multiple patients, follow the instructions below.

1. Open up the patient chart in CHADIS, scroll down to the respondents section and click on the plus sign to add the existing respondent.


2.  Enter the teacher’s name, relationship, and email address or phone number used to set up the account. Click ‘Next.’


3. CHADIS will prompt you to connect the existing respondent to the new patient. Click on the respondent to connect.


4. The respondent has now been linked to the new patient. Next, auto-assign questionnaires to assign them the necessary teacher questionnaires. 


5. Choose the Provider and the Visit Type (Teacher Initial) to assign questionnaires.


6. Questionnaires will be assigned based on the patient’s age and the respondent relationship and appear in the ‘Questionnaires’ section of the CHADIS patient file.


7. The teacher will receive a registration message for CHADIS and complete the assigned questionnaires once they have logged in.


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