Frequently Asked Question

Invite Teachers - Staff Instructions (CHADIS Direct Clients)
Last Updated 5 months ago

Primary caregivers or staff can invite teachers to register and complete questionnaires in CHADIS. Once teachers have been registered to CHADIS, they will complete questionnaires using your auto-assignment teacher visit types

Below are instructions for staff to invite teachers to CHADIS.

1. Log into CHADIS and click on ‘All Patients.’


2. Search for the patient using name or DOB.


3. Click on the patient to open up the CHADIS patient file. Scroll down to the respondents section and click on the plus sign to register a teacher respondent.


4. Enter the teacher’s name, relationship (Teacher or other Educator), email address, and click ‘Next’ to send them a registration message inviting them to use CHADIS.


5. A CHADIS registration message has now been sent to the teacher. Next, click ‘Auto-Assign Questionnaires’ to assign the ‘Teacher Initial’ Questionnaires to the teacher respondent.


6. Choose the Provider and the Visit Type (Teacher Initial) to assign questionnaires.


7. Questionnaires will be assigned based on the patient’s age and the respondent relationship and appear in the ‘Questionnaires’ section of the CHADIS patient file.


8. The teacher will receive a registration message for CHADIS and complete the assigned questionnaires once they have logged in.


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