Frequently Asked Question

Adolescent Workflow Overview (CHADIS Direct Clients)
Last Updated 5 months ago

Primary Caregivers or Staff can invite adolescents to register their own account and complete questionnaires in CHADIS. 

1. Invite Teens - Respondent Instructions: Click the link on the right to download instructions for primary caregivers on how to invite their teen to CHADIS.

2. Invite Teens - Staff Instructions: Visit Invite Teens to CHADIS - Staff Instructions for staff instructions.

Once adolescents have been registered to CHADIS, they will complete questionnaires using your auto-assignment visit types.

You will need to set up self-report questionnaires in your CHADIS auto-assignments and choose the relationship ‘Self’ to assign teen questionnaires. See View/Edit Auto-Assignments for more information on editing auto-assignments. You can also set a general teen minimum and maximum age with your CHADIS Account Manager during implementation - this setting will remind primary caregivers to invite their teen to CHADIS between this age range.



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