Frequently Asked Question

Merge Patients (CHADIS Direct Clients)
Last Updated 5 months ago

Your office CHADIS Administrators have the ability to merge duplicate patient files in CHADIS. If you come across a duplicate patient file and need to merge them, follow the instructions below.

1. Log in to CHADIS and click on ‘All Patients.’


2. Search for the patient using name or DOB and click on either of the patients you would like to merge to open up the CHADIS patient file.


3. Click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the patient section, and click ‘Merge.’


4. Click on the second patient that you would like to merge this patient with.


5. Choose the patient with the correct vital information (DOB, gender, etc.). All data in red will be changed to the chosen patient. All questionnaires, respondents, reports from both patients will be saved and moved to the merged patient file.


6. After choosing the final patient, you will be taken to the merged patient file. To view Merge History, click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the patient section, and click ‘Merge History.’


7. You will see the source patient and target patient information, the merge date, and the staff who merged them.


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