Frequently Asked Question

Map PCC Visit Reasons to CHADIS
Last Updated 5 months ago

After you have finished editing your auto-assignments, you will need to map your CHADIS visit types to your PCC visit reasons. Your PCC interoperability specialist will meet with you to assist in this process.

PCC Learn Article

1. Open the PCC visit reason editor and select the CHADIS tab. Your CHADIS Visit Types will be listed in bold. These correspond to the auto-assignments you have set up in CHADIS. Click ‘Edit’ to add the PCC visit reasons to the correct CHADIS visit type.


2. Multiple PCC visit reasons can be mapped to a single CHADIS visit type but each PCC visit reason can only be mapped to one CHADIS visit type. PCC visit reasons that have already been mapped will be gray and cannot be selected in the Edit Mapping window.


The questionnaires listed under the CHADIS Visit Type will be assigned to the patient based on the PCC visit reason they are scheduled for, and the settings you have set in CHADIS (age, relationship, etc.)

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