Frequently Asked Question

Automatic Questionnaire Assignment Process (PCC Integrated Clients)
Last Updated 5 months ago

Questionnaires are assigned based on the PCC visit reason mapped to CHADIS, the age of the patient, and the relationship of the respondent. When a patient schedules an appointment with a mapped PCC visit reason, the questionnaires are assigned based on your auto-assignments in CHADIS 7 days before the appointment. If the appointment is made within 7 days, the questionnaires will be assigned right away (within 5 minutes of scheduling the appointment).

1. The portal user will receive a notification via text and/or email (depending on their portal messaging preferences) that they have questionnaires to complete.


2. The respondent logs into the portal and clicks on the ‘Start Questionnaires’ button to take questionnaires in CHADIS.


3. Once the respondent completes the questionnaire, they will click ‘Send it. I’m Done!’ and they can close the window and log out once they are done.


4. CHADIS will score the questionnaires and the results will be available in PCC within 5 minutes. See ‘CHADIS Questionnaire Results’ for an overview of CHADIS results.

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