Frequently Asked Question

Auto-Assigned Questionnaire Results (PCC Integrated Clients)
Last Updated 5 months ago

Once the respondent submits the questionnaire, CHADIS scores the questionnaire, and the results are available in PCC within 5 minutes. For auto-assigned questionnaires, the results go directly into the patient file in the encounter.

1. When CHADIS assigns the pre-configured questionnaires to the respondent 7 days before the visit, the screening orders associated with the questionnaires are placed into the visit. These screening orders open up tasks, indicated by an orange circle on the appointment in the schedule book.


2. Click on the orange circle to open up the screening orders for the visit. Once the respondent has completed the questionnaire, the scores will populate under the order. Click the blue ‘Details’ link to view a more detailed CHADIS results report and the individual questions/responses to the questionnaire.


3. These results will also appear in the Flowsheets section of the patient chart where you can compare results from multiple visits.


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