Frequently Asked Question

Reset Respondent Password (Athena Integrated Clients)
Last Updated 5 months ago

For CHADIS/Athena integrated practices, respondents are provided with an initial notification to register and take assigned questionnaires. Their username is automatically created via the email or mobile number that comes from Athena. They will be informed of their username in the notification they receive to complete their registration.

NOTE: If they did not register and they were manually added in the office, the email address or mobile number used to quick-enroll them is now their username. They will receive a notification to complete their registration, including creating a password.

To reset a respondent’s password, click ‘Reset User’s Password’ and provide it to them. CHADIS does not store passwords.

1. Open the CHADIS patient chart and click on the respondent’s name.


2. Scroll down to ‘Account Settings,’ and click on ‘Reset this User’s Password.’


3. Enter a new password OR leave blank for CHADIS to create. Then, click Reset.


4. Provide password to Respondent. This is the ONLY time you will see the password!

5. Inform the respondent to write down their username and password and store them in a safe place for future use.

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