Frequently Asked Question

Transitioning from CHADIS Direct to Integrated (Athena Integration FAQs)
Last Updated 4 months ago

Q: When our practice transitions from Direct to Integrated, will the patient data in CHADIS be lost?

A: During the integration process, we will work with you to add the Athena ID number to your existing CHADIS patients. This will ensure that your patient history is preserved and duplicate patients are not created.

Q: Do we need to provide CHADIS with an Athena data dump and why?

A: If you’re currently using CHADIS Direct, but are moving to CHADIS/Athena Integration, you will need to provide CHADIS with a data dump of Athena patients. This file should come from Athena and contain specific patient fields, including name, DOB, gender, and Athena MRN in a comma delimited format. Specifics format and order will be provided by your account manager. We will use this file to add the Athena MRNS to existing patients in CHADIS. This will prevent duplicate patient records and recognize patients so results will flow back into Athena. It is recommended to provide this information close to testing/training so that we capture as many patients as possible since this is only done one time.

Q: Will parents be able to use their same account credentials?

A: Yes, parents will be able to log into CHADIS using their same username and password as they had with CHADIS Direct. The timing of logging in is critical because if it’s not within the 2 week lookout period where CHADIS has already assigned questionnaires, no questionnaires will be waiting for them; if a respondent logs in prior to the 2 week lookout period that precedes a scheduled appointment, no questionnaire assignments will be shown.

Q: Once we’re integrated, can parents still log in to CHADIS directly to complete questionnaires as usual?

A: Yes, parents with existing CHADIS accounts can complete questionnaires by logging in at as usual. CHADIS will notify them when questionnaires have been assigned. New respondents MUST register using the link embedded in the notification; because you are integrated, they cannot register at

Q: Will parents be notified that questionnaires are available?

A: Yes, if there is contact information parents will be notified that questionnaires are ready for them to take. Once assigned, CHADIS will send a notification that questionnaires are waiting and inform them to register and/or log in to CHADIS and take them.

Q: How do I schedule a patient appointment now that we’re integrated?

A: Patient appointments are scheduled the same as usual in the EHR by selecting the patient and appointment type. The appointment type used must be one that is mapped to a CHADIS visit type.

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