Frequently Asked Question

General Overview of the Integration (eCW Integration FAQs)
Last Updated 6 months ago

Q: How does the CHADIS/eCW integration work?

A: eCW sends CHADIS appointment details including visit type and patient demographics and CHADIS assigns the age-appropriate questionnaires for each visit. CHADIS then sends the details of the questionnaire assignment back to eCW and eCW places a link to the CHADIS questionnaires on their patient portal. Under the Fill Milestones tab, the portal users click the CHADIS button to open CHADIS and complete questionnaires. Once the questionnaires are completed, the results are returned to eCW.

Q: How often does eCW check the schedule?

A: eCW checks the schedule for new appointments scheduled within the next two weeks approximately every 15 minutes throughout the day and will notify CHADIS to assign questionnaires.

Q: Will eCW send respondent information to CHADIS?

A: eCW will send respondent information if the patient email or mobile number field is populated. CHADIS will then have contact information to inform that respondent that there are questionnaires to take.

Q: Is CHADIS connected to the eCW Patient Portal?

A: Yes, CHADIS is integrated with the patient portal.

Q: Is an eCW patient portal required to complete questionnaires?

A: The portal is not required, but without a portal, the questionnaires will need to be completed in the office. Another option is to Invite the respondent, who will receive a link that will take them to CHADIS to set up an account and then take the assigned questionnaires in advance of the appointment. As a rule, Invites are used for teens and teachers, but you can Invite parents as an exception.

Q: How do clinical users access CHADIS?

A: CHADIS users will each have a username and password; the initial list of credentials will be sent to your office CHADIS administrator. However, users will be able to just log into eCW and click on the CHADIS button to access CHADIS; they will have SSO access to CHADIS.

Q: How and when is a CHADIS chart created?

A: When eCW notifies CHADIS the mapped visit type is coming within the next two weeks (lookout period), CHADIS creates a patient chart and auto-assigns appropriate questionnaires, based on visit type and the age at time of notification.

Q: Where do questionnaires go?

A: Questionnaires are not sent anywhere; they are assigned and sit in CHADIS to be accessed via the eCW portal, a registered CHADIS account or in the office (where no credentials are needed).

Q: When will patients be assigned questionnaires?

A: eCW will send CHADIS appointment details up to two weeks in advance of appointments. Once CHADIS receives the appointment notices, CHADIS assigns the appropriate questionnaires based on age parameters set by the practice. Portal user respondents (ie. parents) will then log into their eCW portal, go to the Fill Milestones section, and click the CHADIS button. The button will not be visible if no questionnaires are assigned.

Q: Does the patient need a username and password to take questionnaires in the office?

A: If the patient takes questionnaires in the office, they do not need to use credentials (ie. username and password). They do, however, need to be set up as a respondent.

Q: Does the respondent need to be registered to take questionnaires in the office?

A: If the respondent takes questionnaires in the office, they do not need to be registered.

Q: Are respondents registered with an account?

A: Not necessarily. You can take questionnaires in the office or via the eCW portal without having to register with CHADIS.

Q: Can respondents register directly on

A: No, respondents in integrated practices must use the link sent to them to register.

Q: How do respondents register?

A: Staff send them an Invite and they must click on the link and answer a few questions to register. The invite is sent as a rule to the teens and teachers, but since the parents can go into their eCW portal, sending them an invite would be the exception; it’s not required. NOTE: Because you are integrated, respondents MUST register using the link; they CANNOT register directly on

Q: What if the respondent comes into the office to take questionnaires, but does not exist as a Respondent in the patient’s chart?

A: If the respondent comes in the office to take questionnaires, staff must first set them up as a respondent (anyone, including the patient, must be set up as a respondent in order to take questionnaires). Staff will set them up using their email or mobile number; whichever one is used becomes their username! They will later automatically receive an email/text to complete their registration. Completing their registration will allow them to take questionnaires from home.

Q: How do you set up respondents in CHADIS?

A: Respondents only have to be set up ('enrolled') one time. After that, they exist on the list. If the respondent comes in the office to take questionnaires, staff must first set them up as a respondent (anyone, including the patient, must be set up as a respondent in order to take questionnaires). When you set up a respondent, enroll them using their email or mobile number. This will give CHADIS contact information to be used to notify them of their username and instruct them to complete their registration by answering some questions, including creating password and security question. Then, they can use that username and the password they create, to access questionnaires in advance of future visits.

Q: Once the respondent is set up under Respondents, how do they take questionnaires in the office?

A: There are a few ways they can take questionnaires in the office:

1. Login Switch – take on tablet

2. Device Switch – take on own device by scanning QR code

3. Send Device Switch Msg - send link for them to take questionnaires without credentials; link is only good for 15 minutes. This is good if, for instance, there is a barrier between the front desk and the respondent or the staff’s computer cannot be turned around to hover over a QR code.

Q: Can questionnaires be assigned to multiple respondents (i.e. parent and child complete assigned questionnaires for one visit)?

A: The CHADIS/eCW integration only assigns questionnaires to one respondent at a time. Note: Questionnaires can always be manually assigned in CHADIS.

Q: What if parents/patients don’t complete their questionnaires before a visit?

A: Questionnaires can be completed in the waiting room via a PC, tablet, or smartphone. Staff can use login switch (for tablet) or device switch (for respondent’s device); no credentials required in office. Also, parents can log into their eCW portal from any device and click the CHADIS button under the Fill Milestones tab to see and complete the questionnaires.

Q: How quickly will results be returned if the questionnaire is completed in the waiting room?

A: CHADIS processes questionnaires very quickly and will return the results to eCW within minutes of the questionnaire being submitted so the provider can review the results during the appointment. Results are always immediately available in CHADIS.

Q: How do teens take questionnaires?

A: Teens need to be invited; once they set up their CHADIS account, they will have a username (usually email address or cell number, whichever was used to send the invite) and a password that they created. Instruct them to write it down so they can access CHADIS a few days prior to their next appointment and future appointments. The invitation link only needs to be sent to the teens who don't have an eCW portal so that they can set up a CHADIS account.

Q: My teen has an eCW portal account. Can he/she access questionnaires via the portal?

A: If your teen is a registered portal user for that account, there will be access to the CHADIS button if assigned questionnaires are waiting.

Q: Once the teen has been "invited", do subsequent questionnaires on subsequent visits automatically go to them, or do they need to be invited every time?

A: Questionnaires do not go anywhere; they are assigned and sit in CHADIS for the respondent to take. Once the teen has set up a profile and completed CHADIS, the teen will receive notifications for subsequent visits. The teen may also be able to access via the portal if the teen has a separate portal account.

Q: How do teachers complete questionnaires?

A: Teachers must be Invited by either the staff or the parent. The teacher will be notified via email they have a questionnaire to complete, can quickly create a CHADIS account, and complete the questionnaires assigned to them. You can post instructions on your website for the parents to invite the teachers. Their results/responses will go back into eCW automatically. The step-by-step instructions with screenshots for inviting a teacher can be found under the Help center (top right of screen in CHADIS). Search for keyword Invite. You may want to post the instructions for parents inviting teachers on your website. Parents can Invite the teacher from the Home Page of their CHADIS account.

Q: What is the invitation code?

A: Because you are integrated, there is no invitation code. Refer the respondent back to the invite they received and have them click on the link. NOTE: Because you are integrated, respondents MUST register using the link; they CANNOT register on because there is no invitation code.

Q: What if the parent doesn’t use the eCW portal?

A: If parents don't use the eCW portal, you can invite them to register/set up their CHADIS account. When respondents register using the Invite link (must use that link to register), they have a username and password so they can access CHADIS a few days prior to each mapped appointment. If CHADIS has contact information for the respondent, CHADIS will send notification that there are questionnaires to take.

Q: When can I tell parents to log into their portal to take questionnaires prior to the appointment?

A: Timing is critical; you want to be sure there are questionnaires. If the patient is already on the books 2 weeks prior to their appointment, they can access the questionnaires at the 2 week mark. However, if they book an appointment within the next 2 weeks, have them wait a few minutes before accessing the questionnaires because eCW first needs to refresh and then message CHADIS so that we can assign questionnaires. No questionnaires are assigned more than 2 weeks ahead of the appointment. If CHADIS has contact information for the respondent, CHADIS will send notification that there are questionnaires to take.

Q: How do I schedule a patient appointment now that we’re integrated?

A: Patient appointments are scheduled the same as usual in the EHR from the Resource Schedule by selecting the patient and visit type. However, questionnaires will only be assigned if the eCW visit type is mapped.

Q: How do I order CHADIS questionnaires?

A: With the integration, CHADIS questionnaires will automatically be assigned to patients who meet the age criteria and are booked under a mapped visit type. Once a patient appointment has been scheduled, and it’s within the lookout period (ie. 2 weeks), CHADIS will automatically assign the appropriate questionnaires to that respondent based on visit type and age of the patient at the time eCW triggers a message to CHADIS.

Q: Will the status of the questionnaires be available in eCW?

A: Yes, staff and providers will be able to see whether the questionnaires are Pending or Complete under the Patient Forms section of the Appointment Right Panel. However, this is only for HPI-mapped questionnaires. For non-HPI-mapped questionnaires, you would need to go to the CHADIS chart to find the status of those questionnaires.

Q: Where are the results of the questionnaires returned?

A: There are three places where you can find results in eCW. As soon as questionnaires have been completed, CHADIS scores them and returns all results to the chart documents under patient documents. In addition, if they are HPI-mapped, staff will download them through the Healow hub to be imported as structured data to the HPI section of the Progress Note. And, the results of any manually assigned questionnaire will also go back as an addressed telephone encounter. NOTE: If an HPI-mapped questionnaire is manually assigned, it will NOT be HPI-mapped.

Q: Does CHADIS send reminders?

A: CHADIS can send reminders for incomplete questionnaires. If respondent information is available and the practice has selected ‘reminders’ to be programmed, then once the questionnaires are assigned, reminders will be sent on days 3, 6 and 9 from the day of assignment if they are not completed.

Q: Can I pull QI metrics of results in eCW?

A: All HPI-mapped questionnaires are delivered to the Healow hub as discrete data points and as such can be pulled into reports for QI metrics. Staff would import them from the Healow hub.

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