Frequently Asked Question

Post Go-Live (eCW Integration FAQs)
Last Updated 6 months ago

Q: Will I see all patients in CHADIS when we go live?

A: No, you will NOT see all patients in CHADIS as soon as you go live. Patients will be registered in CHADIS when eCW sends appointment notices that result in CHADIS questionnaire assignments. eCW sends appointment notices in 14 day batches and looks for new appointments within the 14 day period (2-week lookout).

Q: The appointment was made a long time ago and eCW didn’t notify CHADIS!

A: There is an issue in eCW which prevents the eCW scheduler from “seeing” appointments that were made a long time ago. For any appointments made, prior to the date CHADIS begins processing appointments in advance of your go-live date, you will need to ‘Touch’ the appointment in some way to wake it up/make it new/trigger the messages from eCW to CHADIS. You may do something small like add a character to the notes to refresh the appointment in eCW or just click Okay. Otherwise, questionnaires will not be assigned in CHADIS until they check in at the time of their appointment.

Q: When will I see respondents?

A: If the patient email or mobile number is populated in eCW, eCW will send that information to CHADIS, set up that respondent and notify them that there are questionnaires to take. However, if a different respondent brings in the patient and needs to take questionnaires in the office, staff first need to manually set that person up as a respondent. Under the Respondents section of the chart, enroll the respondent using their email or mobile number; this will give us contact information to communicate with them, but whichever you use will also become their username! Respondents must be set up in CHADIS prior to using the login switch (for tablets) or device switch (for QR code). You can Invite a respondent whether or not they exist on the respondent list; they will receive a link to set up their CHADIS account. Invites are mainly used for teens and teachers.

Q: Can we assign to multiple respondents?

A: Yes, the auto-assignments would occur via the integration and any other assignments would be done manually in CHADIS. Each respondent's results/responses would go back into eCW.

Q: How do I conduct the M-CHAT Follow Up Questionnaire™?

A: Providers will be able to access CHADIS directly via the SSO button in the Progress Note to create a CHADIS report and complete the M-CHAT Follow-Up questionnaire.

Q: Why would an HPI-mapped questionnaire not show up in the HPI section of the Progress Note?

A: Some reasons the above questionnaires may not show up in the HPI-mapped section of the Progress Note are 1) that the version you are using has not been mapped by eCW yet, 2) the questionnaire was manually assigned, or 3) it’s not a mapped questionnaire. Mapped questionnaires are identified in your auto-assignments with a blue bar indicating ‘Enhanced EHR Support’.

Q: Why am I seeing results for patients who are not mine?

A: These are for unsolicited questionnaires (ie. no appointment, manually assigned). eCW requires that one and only one default provider and one and only one default staff person be identified to receive all results from unsolicited questionnaires; that is, questionnaires where there is no encounter (visit number) information to transmit. Results will go back into eCW chart as addressed telephone encounters. They will also be available under chart documents.

Q: Will the status of the questionnaires be available in the eCW?

A: Yes, but only for HPI-mapped questionnaires. Staff and providers will be able to see whether the questionnaires are Pending or Complete under the Patient Forms section of the Appointment Right Panel.

Q: What happens if a parent fills out a questionnaire and then misses their scheduled appointment?

A: Once results are submitted, they become part of the patient record in the patient’s chart, so the results will remain in the eCW chart and be available whenever the patient is actually seen. If the responses are older than you would like or the patient’s age has changed, you can manually assign new questionnaires for them to take.

Q: I made a change in CHADIS. When will it take effect?

A: Changes in CHADIS go into effect immediately. However, if eCW has already notified CHADIS of the upcoming appointment (within its lookout period), the changes will not take place for those patients. CHADIS has already been notified of the appointment and assigned questionnaires so the change made after the notification will only happen for future visits. eCW notifies CHADIS only one time per appointment.

Q: Where do manual orders go in eCW?

A: Manual orders will be sent to eCW as a clinical document and as an addressed telephone encounter. All questionnaires can be manually assigned. When manually assigning a questionnaire, you can assign it to anyone at any age.

Q: How do I access CHADIS via eCW single sign-on (SSO)?

A: Under Progress Notes, click on the link in blue: “Click here to launch: CHADIS”. Or, click on the CHADIS button in the Resource Schedule screen.

Q: What if a patient in eCW does not have an appointment scheduled, but I want them to take a questionnaire?

A: If the patient does not already exist in CHADIS because they have never had an appointment scheduled in eCW, you will need to launch CHADIS and select Add Patient. When adding a patient, you must enter their eCW patient account number in the CHADIS field in order to 1) avoid duplicate entries for the same patient and 2) have the results go back into the EHR. However, if the patient already exists in CHADIS, just Add Questionnaire manually. It is not recommended to manually create a patient chart; you want the integration to create the chart.

Q: How will respondents be created?

A: When eCW sends CHADIS the message that a mapped appointment is scheduled in the next 2 weeks, it will send over respondent information IF that information appears in the patient email or mobile number field in eCW. With respondent information, CHADIS can then send notifications. The questionnaire assignment to "Any Respondent" is appropriate for the integration since CHADIS is not introduced to the name of the respondent until the respondent presses the CHADIS button from the eCW portal.

Q: Are there other ways for respondents to be created?

A: Respondents can also appear in CHADIS when they go through their eCW portal to access CHADIS or the staff enrolls them in the office.

Q: Does the respondent need to exist in CHADIS in order to take questionnaires?

A: Yes, respondents must be set up in order for the appropriate questionnaires to be assigned and taken.

Q: Does a parent need a different CHADIS account to access questionnaires for each child?

A: No! Each parent/respondent should have ONLY ONE CHADIS account, with a unique username and password.

Q: Will the parent receive one notification for each child?

A: Yes. Each child is unique and has their own CHADIS chart. They will receive an email/text for each child; each notification is related to a single child.

Q: A parent is bringing in siblings/multiple children for their appointments and I want to send a link since they won’t go through the eCW portal. Can I just send one invite?

A: No. When you send an invite, the link the parent receives is unique to THAT patient and THAT respondent, so if multiple children have questionnaires to complete for their appointments, you would send an invite for each child from their individual chart.

Q: Are visit types and questionnaires mapped to eCW?

A: Only visit types are mapped. Questionnaires are not mapped. So, if you’re adding a visit type, you need to submit a ticket to eCW, but if you’re adding questionnaires, you don’t.

Q: What are some reasons questionnaires would not be auto-assigned?

A: Some reasons auto-assignments would not occur are that a) the patient wasn’t scheduled using a mapped visit type, b) the patient did not meet the age criteria AT the time of notification from eCW, c) the prematurity value was calculated based on the populated field, d) there was no respondent set up with the correct relationship for that age.

Q: How do I manually assign questionnaires?

A: In the patient’s chart in CHADIS, go to the Questionnaires section and Add Questionnaire and then go to the Respondents section and click Invite. The patient will receive a link that takes them to their assigned questionnaires. You can manually assign any questionnaire to anyone at any age, for any visit type, even if the visit type is not mapped.

Q: Do questionnaires expire?

A: Yes, questionnaires expire after 30 days from assignment.

Q: What does System API indicate?

A: System API indicates the questionnaire was assigned by the system; via the integration. If you see a person’s name instead, that indicates the questionnaire was assigned manually; therefore a telephone encounter would be created to facilitate the delivery of the manual order back into the patient’s eCW chart and it would be assigned to the default provider and default staff person you selected.

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