Frequently Asked Question

Automatic Questionnaire Assignment Process (OP Integrated Clients)
Last Updated 5 months ago

With the CHADIS/OP integration, the suite of CHADIS questionnaires is added to the OP surveys database. Practices select their preferred surveys and add them as standing orders to the OP templates. As the templates are used for appointments, OP adds the questionnaire orders as tasks and sends the orders to CHADIS. Parents and patients may complete questionnaires via the portal before their appointments. Results are automatically sent to the patient’s chart in Office Practicum (OP).

  1. The portal user will receive a notification that they have questionnaires to complete.


2. The respondent logs into the portal to complete questionnaires.

3. The respondent clicks on the Patient Survey link in the portal to access CHADIS and complete questionnaires.


4. Once the respondent completes the questionnaire, they will click ‘Send it. I’m Done!’ and they can close the window and log out once they are done.


5. CHADIS will score the questionnaires, and the results will be available in OP within 5 minutes. See CHADIS Questionnaire Results for an overview of CHADIS results.

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