Frequently Asked Question

Client Support Tips (OP Integration FAQs)
Last Updated 4 months ago

Client Support Tips for CHADIS/OP Integration

Q: Did survey results fail to appear in a patient’s chart in OP? 

A: OP uses the portal to fetch survey results from CHADIS every few minutes. It is helpful to allow time for this process to occur. Push the button only one time. Repeatedly clicking the button may cause errors in the results update process. Managing tasks: Once a survey is submitted, please do not delete the task. Doing so will prevent OP from fetching and posting those survey results. You may also click the CHADIS button and create a quick report in CHADIS. The provider can review the results, with the results flowing in eventually.

Q: Are you seeing double billing entries for completed surveys? 

A: This may be caused by a default CPT code being entered in both the template and the survey administrator. Default CPT codes should only be entered in the survey administrator to ensure correct billing for the questionnaires. Using the survey administrator also ensures that you only have to enter the code once!


Q: Do you have a staff member who is having problems tasking CHADIS orders? 

A: Only nurses and providers may be attached to CHADIS orders. Solution: Have the staff person push the CHADIS button from a patient’s chart to make sure they are a registered clinical user. If you pushed the CHADIS button and are experiencing an error, please follow the steps in the Managing Staff handout and place a ticket with CHADIS support if you continue to have issues.

Q: Have new staff joined the practice? 

A: Please follow the steps in the Managing Staff handout to ensure access to CHADIS.

Q. Did a parent receive an error message when entering their email address from the portal? 

A: The email entry is an OP requirement. If this occurs, the parent should contact your practice for verification of the email. If the email matches what’s in OP, the practice should reach out to OP support.

Q: Is your practice using the Teacher Vanderbilt? 

A: Please note a few considerations: Only one Vanderbilt-Teacher Version survey can be tasked for a patient on a given day (an OP limitation). If your practice wants input from 2 teachers for a patient, you will need to task the Vanderbilt-Teacher version twice, but on separate days.

Q. Are all clinical users required to have an email address and, if so, can it be the same one they use as a parent/respondent? 

A: Every user must have a unique email address, listed in EMAIL 1 in the OP address book. A different email address must be used for clinical entry in OP than is used for the parent portal. Two separate and distinct email addresses are required if you are a clinical staff person and also a parent/respondent.

Q: Does OP have CHADIS/OP workflow materials in the OP Knowledgebase? 

A: Yes, here is the link to the OP Knowledgebase materials:

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