Frequently Asked Question

CHADIS Clinical Users Spreadsheet (Epic Integrated Clients)
Last Updated 5 months ago

Your CHADIS Account Manager will create your office in CHADIS and provide you with a login to start. You will fill out a users spreadsheet to create logins for all staff users in the office who may log in to CHADIS. This includes practice leads who will configure your office settings and adjust as needed, support staff to assist with completing CHADIS in the office, and providers to access CHADIS decision support features.

How to Fill out Users Spreadsheet:

  • Red fields are required

  • Fill out email address section to use email address for the username

  • If no email address, usernames will be in the format Firstname.Lastname

  • CHADIS Administrators are the practice leads that will have the ability to edit auto-assignments (the office questionnaire list) and manage staff users in the future. Please see CHADIS Administrators for more information. You may give admin privileges to multiple members of your team. Write their names in the column listed.

  • You can use the table below to determine which role to choose for each staff member from the dropdown.




All clinical abilities in CHADIS (manually assign questionnaires, view results, etc.). These users will appear in the provider list when manually assigning questionnaires in CHADIS.


All clinical abilities (manually assign questionnaires, view results, invite teacher respondents, etc.) and all administrative abilities (edit respondents, view questionnaire history)


Basic CHADIS administrative abilities (edit respondents, view questionnaire history) but cannot create reports nor see clinical results.

Login Instructions:

Your CHADIS Account Manager will provide all staff usernames and temporary passwords. Go to and click ‘Login’ in the top right corner. Use the provided user credentials to log in, and you will be prompted to change your password immediately upon logging in.

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