Frequently Asked Question

Staff-Driven Workflow (CHADIS Direct Clients)
Last Updated 5 months ago

A staff-driven workflow in CHADIS means that your practice staff will be leading the process for creating patients and respondents, assigning questionnaires, and collecting questionnaire results.

Below is a basic diagram of the staff-driven workflow:


Initial Questionnaire Assignment Process

  1. Your practice team will need to review the upcoming appointments on the schedule and create the patient and respondent in CHADIS. Choose the time frame (such as 1 week ahead) for assigning questionnaires ahead of time to allow respondents to complete CHADIS at home before the appointment.

  2. Add the patient and add the respondent in CHADIS. 

  3. Auto-assign questionnaires (choose the type of visit they are coming in for).

  4. A notification will be sent to the respondent via text/email with a link for them to register for CHADIS and complete their questionnaires.

  5. If the patient/family arrives to the office and has not yet completed the questionnaires, use the waiting room workflow to have them take questionnaires on a tablet or mobile device.

  6. Once the questionnaires have been submitted, create the report on CHADIS to view the questionnaire results.

Follow-Up Questionnaire Assignment Process

  1. Review the upcoming appointments to assign questionnaires to existing CHADIS patients and respondents. Search for the patient in CHADIS to pull up the CHADIS patient file.

  2. Auto-assign questionnaires (choose the type of visit they are coming in for).

  3. A notification will be sent to the respondent via text/email with a link for them to log in to CHADIS and complete their questionnaires.

  4. If the patient/family arrives to the office and has not yet completed the questionnaires, use the waiting room workflow to have them take questionnaires on a tablet or mobile device.

  5. Once the questionnaires have been submitted, create the report on CHADIS to view the questionnaire results.

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