Frequently Asked Question

Sample Welcome Letter (CHADIS Direct Clients)
Last Updated 5 months ago

If you choose the respondent-driven workflow for your office, you will need to provide patients and families with announcements and instructions to register for CHADIS using your office invitation code. Click on the link to the right to download a sample letter you can provide or post on your practice website. Fill in your office invitation code and attach the How to Register for CHADIS document to provide them step by step instructions and screenshots (download using link to the right). 

Sample Welcome Letter:

Dear Parents and Caregivers:

We have a system called CHADIS, (Comprehensive Health and Decision Information System) which helps us provide your family with the best care possible.

CHADIS is a secure, HIPAA-compliant site that allows you to answer many of the questions that we ask during well-child and other types of visits.

CHADIS enhances the care we provide to your family by providing us complete information about the emotional, developmental and behavioral health of your child.

All answers are completely confidential and are viewed only by your doctor.

Instructions to Register as a New User (step by step guide attached)

  1. Go to from your smartphone, tablet or computer.

  2. Click on Register.

  3. Enter our Invitation Code: -enter invitation code-

  4. Enter your information to set up your CHADIS account.

  5. Enter your child’s information.

  6. Click ‘Take Questionnaires’ to begin.

  7. Choose your patient’s provider from the list.

  8. Choose the reason for your next office visit (such as "Well-child Visit" or "ADHD Initial Visit")

Thank you for completing questionnaires in CHADIS. You should complete CHADIS questionnaires before EVERY visit.

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