Frequently Asked Question

Respondent Driven Workflow (CHADIS Direct Clients)
Last Updated 4 months ago

A respondent-driven workflow in CHADIS means that respondents will lead the process for patient/respondent registration and questionnaire assignments. Respondents will register themselves and their patient using your office invitation code and will also choose from your list of visit types to assign themselves questionnaires in your auto-assignments. Your practice staff will provide instructions to patients/families on registering for CHADIS and will access the CHADIS results.

If you choose the respondent-driven workflow, your CHADIS Account Manager will set your office invitation code to your 10 digit office phone number.

Below is a basic diagram of the respondent-driven workflow:


Initial Questionnaire Assignment Process:

  1. You will need to provide patients/families with instructions to register for CHADIS using your office invitation code. You can also create a pre-filled link with your office invitation code already filled in for the respondent. This link can be posted on your clinic website or sent to patients in an email/text notification. We also recommend sending a welcome letter to all patients/families to invite them to use CHADIS.

  2. The respondent registers their child/patient and their CHADIS account using the instructions.

  3. The respondent chooses their provider and the appropriate visit type from your office auto-assignments list to auto-assign questionnaires.

  4. If the patient/family arrives at the office and has not yet completed their questionnaires, use the waiting room workflow to take CHADIS questionnaires on a tablet or mobile device.

  5. Once the questionnaires have been submitted, create the report on CHADIS to view the questionnaire results.

Follow-Up Questionnaire Assignment Process:

  1. The respondent logs into CHADIS with their username and password they created when they registered to complete follow-up questionnaires. You can add a note to your general appointment reminders and a link to CHADIS reminding them to log in and complete their questionnaires. CHADIS Well-Visit Reminders can also be sent to your respondents automatically when a patient is nearing a certain age. 

  2. After logging in, the respondent chooses their provider and the appropriate visit type from your office auto-assignments list to auto-assign questionnaires.

  3. If the patient/family arrives at the office and has not yet completed their questionnaires, use  the waiting room workflow to take CHADIS questionnaires on a tablet or mobile device.

  4. Once the questionnaires have been submitted, create the report on CHADIS to view the questionnaire results.

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