Frequently Asked Question

b. Teen CHADIS Direct Accounts (PCC Integrated Clients)
Last Updated 5 months ago

It is the policy of the American Academy of Pediatrics that teenagers should provide information to their doctor independently of their parents, and there are many self-report questionnaires available in CHADIS for teen depression, substance use, anxiety, etc.

View the PCC integration adolescent workflow options for an overview. One option is through creating teen CHADIS Direct accounts.

Teens can be set up with a CHADIS Direct account to complete questionnaires in the office if they are not able to have a PCC portal account. However, this workflow is not integrated, and therefore is a manual process for each patient. Use the Waiting Room Workflow in CHADIS to create a teen respondent, and provide them quick access to CHADIS.


1. Log into CHADIS and click ‘Waiting Room’ on the home page.


2. Search for the patient using name, DOB, or PCC ID# and click on the patient to open the ‘Waiting Room’ options.


3. The list of respondents include all primary caregiver portal users. Click ‘New’ to add a new respondent for the teen.

**If you have already created the teen CHADIS account for a previous appointment, click on the teen respondent name in the ‘Respondents’ Section, and continue on to step 5.


4. Choose the relationship ‘Self’ and CHADIS will fill in the patient name. Contact information is optional, and not needed for a CHADIS Direct account to be used in the office. Click ‘Next.’


5. Click ‘Auto-Assign Questionnaires’ to assign the questionnaires for that visit.


6. Choose the appropriate visit type and provider to assign the questionnaires. Then, click ‘Save.’


7. Once the questionnaires have been assigned, you can use the ‘Waiting Room’ options to provide quick CHADIS access to the teen. See Waiting Room Workflow for more information on the options.


8. Once the teen has completed the questionnaires, the results will appear in the messaging queue in PCC. See Manually Assigned Questionnaire Results for more information.


  • Questionnaires will not be automatically sent, you will need to manually assign them for every patient

  • Results do not flow directly into the visit - they go to the messaging queue

  • If the teen does create a PCC portal account later, you will end up with ‘duplicate’ respondents on CHADIS
    • This does not affect the patient, as they will only access questionnaires through their portal moving forward

    • The CHADIS Admin for your office can remove the old CHADIS Direct respondent on CHADIS if needed

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