Frequently Asked Question

General Overview of the Integration (PCC Integration FAQs)
Last Updated 4 months ago

Q: Is CHADIS connected to the PCC Patient Portal?

A: Yes, CHADIS is integrated with the patient portal. After going live, patients and their respective portal users in PCC will automatically sync to CHADIS if a.) they are an active patient and b.) there is a portal user assigned to the patient. This sync occurs on 5 minute cycles, so new patients/respondents will appear in CHADIS within 5 minutes of creating them in PCC. Patients and families will complete CHADIS questionnaires through their PCC portal account. See Patient and Respondent Registration for more information.

Q: Who selects the questionnaires that will be assigned?

A: The provider team from each practice works with a CHADIS integration manager to map the appropriate visit reasons to CHADIS and to select the questionnaires that the practice wants to use for each type of visit. See Configuration/Implementation for CHADIS/PCC Integration for more information.

Q: When will patients receive their questionnaires?

A: PCC will send CHADIS appointment details 7 days in advance of appointment, and CHADIS assigns the questionnaires at that time. If the appointment is made within a 7 day window, the questionnaires are assigned at the time the appointment is made. The portal user will receive a text/email notification to complete questionnaires through the PCC portal as soon as the questionnaires are assigned. See Questionnaire Assignment Process for more information.

Q: How do I schedule a patient appointment after we’re integrated?

A: Patient appointments are scheduled the same as usual in PCC. Make sure you select the appropriate visit reason for the appointment to ensure the appropriate questionnaires are assigned.

Q: How do I order CHADIS questionnaires?

A: With the integration, CHADIS questionnaires will automatically be sent to patients. Once a patient appointment has been scheduled, CHADIS will automatically send the appropriate questionnaires to that patient/respondent via email based on visit type and age of the patient. To manually order a CHADIS questionnaire, staff will log into CHADIS and look up the patient. Staff will add the appropriate questionnaire to the patient and the portal user/respondent will receive a text/email notification to log into the PCC portal and complete the questionnaire. The results will be returned to the PCC messaging queue. See Questionnaire Assignment Process for more information.

Q: Can questionnaires be assigned to multiple respondents (i.e. parent and child complete assigned questionnaires for one visit)?

A: The CHADIS/PCC integration assigns questionnaires to all PCC portal users that fall into the relationship category set up in your CHADIS auto-assignments. In CHADIS, you will configure your questionnaires to be assigned to a relationship category, eg. Primary Caregivers or Self/Patient. Any PCC portal user listed as a primary caregiver (eg. Mother, Father, Stepmother, Grandmother, etc.) will receive a copy of the questionnaire under this category and PCC portal users with the relationship Self will receive the Self/Patient questionnaires. You can add the same questionnaire twice in CHADIS to assign it to both the teen and caregiver if desired.

Q: How does billing work with the integration?

A: Questionnaires are billed for the same as other procedures by adding the CPT code to the billing section of the screening order. CHADIS questionnaires are then mapped to screening orders that are automatically placed by PCC when the questionnaire gets assigned through the integration. See Edit PCC Screening Orders for more information.

Q: Where are the results of the questionnaires returned or displayed in PCC?

A: Questionnaire results are displayed in the ‘screening orders’ section of the visit encounter for the patient as soon as the respondent completes the questionnaire. See CHADIS Questionnaire Results for more information

Q: Can a single provider use CHADIS or does the whole practice have to use it?

A: The integration can be limited to specific providers, but we recommend that the entire practice integrate with CHADIS. Implementing CHADIS requires a team effort from all providers, nurses, and practice staff to be successful.

Q: How can we purchase the CHADIS integration?

A: The CHADIS integration can be purchased directly through CHADIS. Please contact CHADIS sales via our website or email the salesperson who contacted you directly.

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