Frequently Asked Question

Teacher Workflow Overview (Athena Integrated Clients)
Last Updated 5 months ago

Primary caregivers or staff can invite teachers to register and complete questionnaires in CHADIS. Once teachers have registered, they are able to access the questionnaires to be completed. The assignments are based on what is set up in your Teacher auto-assignments.

Click on the link to the right to download respondent instructions, and click here to view staff instructions.

1. You will need at least two visit types in CHADIS labeled ‘Teacher Initial’ and ‘Teacher Follow-up’ with the preferred questionnaires for teachers. If you do not see these visit types listed in CHADIS, contact your account manager to add them. To edit the questionnaires under these visit types, see section View/Edit Auto-Assignments in CHADIS. Teacher visits are NOT mapped to Athena so there is no age cutoff; teachers log directly into CHADIS. Their results/responses will automatically go into Athena.


3. Next, the teacher is invited to register for CHADIS by either a staff member or the primary caregiver. See Invite Teachers to Complete CHADIS (Staff Instructions) andHow to Invite a Teacher (Primary Caregiver Instructions) for a full set of instructions. Once the teacher has registered for CHADIS, they will choose between the following options:


**Note: if the staff member (not the primary caregiver) is registering the teacher, the visit type questionnaires can be manually assigned to the teacher before logging in, and this step will be skipped.

4. These two options correspond to the visit types set up in step 1. After selecting between these two options, they will receive the questionnaires that correspond to the patient’s age.


5. Once the teacher has been created in CHADIS, they will appear in the ‘Respondents’ section of the CHADIS patient file. For follow-up questionnaires, you can manually assign Teacher questionnaires and they will receive a notification asking them to log in and complete questionnaires.

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