Frequently Asked Question

Implementation Process (Athena Integration FAQs)
Last Updated 4 months ago

Q: What will CHADIS need from our practice in order to integrate?

A: In order to proceed, CHADIS will need:

  • List of all users in your practice, along with their roles and other pertinent information. This is required to be completed in a spreadsheet which will be provided by your account manager.

  • Extract of your Athena appointment types. You will be sent a link to Athena marketplace to sign an approval form so we can pull them in advance of your kick-off call; it is a prerequisite to the kick-off call.

  • Your practice to identify which questionnaires you want to use and what visit types you want them associated with. You will then customize and build your auto assignments to meet the needs of your practice. (CHADIS will provide you with a template of the most commonly used visit types and associated questionnaires.)

  • Identify the mappings between Athena appointment types and CHADIS visit types; ie. each Athena appointment type can map to ONLY ONE CHADIS visit type with a unique set of questionnaires that you build.

Q: Who selects the questionnaires that will be assigned?

A: The provider team from each practice determines what questionnaires will be assigned to which age groups for which visit types. These are called auto assignments; that is, the unique set of questionnaires under each visit type that will be assigned to every patient, every time they book that visit type and meet the age criteria AT the time of assignment.

Q: Can we make changes to an existing questionnaire?

A: Any changes to a questionnaire would be a custom request. You can view the process and pricing here.

Q: Can we add our own questionnaire to CHADIS?

A: You can submit a custom questionnaire request to have CHADIS program a custom questionnaire. You can view the process and pricing here.

Q: Will questionnaires trigger other questionnaires based on the interpretation? For instance, if the PHQ2 is positive will it prompt to the PHQ9 automatically?

A: CHADIS can link/trigger a questionnaire upon specific written request from the practice.

Q: How do I add new visit types to CHADIS?

A: CHADIS can add any visit type; however, each Athena appointment type can be mapped to ONLY ONE CHADIS visit type, so you may need to create new Athena appointment types.

Q: What are the requirements for visit type mappings?

A: Each Athena appointment type can be mapped to ONLY ONE CHADIS visit type; there is a 1:1 correlation. Also, the Athena appointment type cannot be too general because 1) everyone booked in that appointment type will receive the same set of questionnaires and 2) it can only map to one CHADIS visit type because each visit type has a unique set of questionnaires.

Q: How is the patient’s age calculated with the integration?

A: The patient’s age is calculated based on the day CHADIS sees the upcoming appointment is within the next 2 weeks (ie. lookout period); it could be 2 weeks out, it could be the next day, etc.; anytime within the next 2 weeks. Questionnaire assignments consider the patient's age ON the date of assignment, typically 14 days prior to the actual appointment date. Appointments scheduled for a date sooner than 14 days out will base the patient's age on the date you created the appointment in Athena.

Q: What is the age cut-off and is it required?

A: The age cut-off is the age at which you want teens to start taking their own questionnaires; it will allow the integration to assign questionnaires for the patient to access. Prior to building your auto assignments, the age cut-off must be determined; it applies to all questionnaires across all visit types.

Q: Why do I see yellow bars under some questionnaires in my auto assignments?

A: Yellow bars indicate that in order for that specific questionnaire to be processed, it must be duplicated based on your age cut-off because it spans across your age cut-off. All auto assignments must be assigned to primary caregivers prior to your age cut-off and assigned to self at the age cut-off or higher; this is required via the integration regardless of the recipient of the questionnaire.

Q: Does each clinical user need their own credentials?

A: Yes, each user must have their own credentials. When you integrate, users will have access to CHADIS via Athena SSO. Each user will have their own credentials to log in; this is for mapping, security and auditing purposes. There will be buttons in Athena to access CHADIS.

Q: Can a single provider use CHADIS or does the whole practice have to use it?

A: The integration cannot be limited to a single provider. However, it can be limited to a subset of providers, but only the patients of the providers using the integration will receive CHADIS questionnaires, which will cause there to be multiple workflows and visit types.

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