Frequently Asked Question

Post Go-Live: Workflow Details (Athena Integration FAQs)
Last Updated 6 months ago

Q: Will I see all patients in CHADIS when we go live?

A: No, you will NOT see all patients in CHADIS as soon as you go live. Patients will be registered in CHADIS when the mapped appointment type is scheduled within the next 2 weeks (ie. lookout period).

Q: How do I access questionnaires at the time of service or conduct follow-up questionnaires, e.g. M-CHAT R Follow Up Questionnaire?

A: Providers and staff will be able to access the CHADIS chart directly via the single sign-on link in order to create a CHADIS report to be able to access the follow-up questionnaires. Results from follow-up questionnaires will be returned to Athena as a clinical document pdf under Recent Activity.

Q: What happens when a questionnaire is not a mapped screening questionnaire in Athena?

A: The results will only go back into Athena as a clinical document pdf under Recent Activity. Discrete results cannot be delivered in this case.

Q: I made a change in CHADIS. When will it take effect?

A: Changes made in CHADIS will go into effect immediately. However, CHADIS is notified only one time per appointment; therefore, if CHADIS has already processed the appointment and assigned questionnaires within the 2-week lookout period, the changes will not take place for those patients until future visits. Within 2 weeks, the changes you made will be in effect for all patients.

Q: How are questionnaires assigned to teachers and how do they complete them?

A: Staff or parents can invite a teacher to complete a questionnaire by selecting the “Invite” hyperlink, and then filling in the teacher’s information, including email address. The teacher will be notified via email they have a questionnaire to complete, can quickly create a CHADIS account, and complete the questionnaires assigned to them. View the full process here.

Q: Once we’re integrated, how do we enroll patients in CHADIS?

A: Once CHADIS is integrated with Athena, patients are electronically registered via the questionnaire assignment process. Parents and patients cannot self-enroll, but in the rare case that a patient needs to be enrolled for immediate questionnaire completion, clinical users are able to enroll the patient. The Athena patient ID number must be added to the patient record in CHADIS to ensure that the CHADIS results are returned to Athena. Manually creating a patient chart is not recommended; you want to wait for the integration to create the chart.

Q: How do I access CHADIS now that we’re integrated with Athena?

A: Access to CHADIS will be through Athena single sign-on (SSO). The button can be found in Athena under Apps (takes you to the CHADIS Home Screen) or under Chart Home/Links/Care Summary… Medical Files. Using Chart Home/Links/Care Summary… Medical Files will take you directly to the patient’s chart in CHADIS.

Q: How do I access CHADIS now that we’re integrated with Athena?

A: Access to CHADIS will be through Athena single sign-on (SSO). The button can be found in Athena under Apps (takes you to the CHADIS Home Screen) or under Chart Home/Links/Care Summary… Medical Files. Using Chart Home/Links/Care Summary… Medical Files will take you directly to the patient’s chart in CHADIS.

Q: How do I schedule a patient appointment now that we’re integrated?

A: Patient appointments are scheduled the same as usual in the EHR, by selecting the patient and appointment type. Just be sure to use an appointment type that is mapped in order for questionnaire auto assignments to occur.

Q: What if parents/patients don’t complete their questionnaires before a visit?

A: Questionnaires can be completed in the waiting room via a PC, tablet, or smartphone. View the process here.

Q: How quickly will results be returned if the questionnaire is completed in the waiting room?

A: CHADIS processes questionnaires very quickly and will return the results to Athena within minutes of the questionnaire being submitted so the provider can review the results during the appointment.

Q: How does billing work with the integration?

A: Completed questionnaires will have to be added to patient claims when they’re completed prior to the appointment being checked in. If questionnaires are completed after the encounter has been checked in AND they match the Screening Questionnaires templates in Athena, they will automatically populate on the billing tab of sign-off. To check to make sure it’s working properly, click on the Sign-Off bead and review the billing tab on the right side of the screen. If the questionnaires are completed before the encounter is checked in, results go back as a pdf and may need to be reclassified as an Encounter document.

Q: How can a Clinical Document PDF be moved to the Encounter?

A: Follow these steps to transfer results from the Recent Activity section to the Encounter:

  • Go to Intake

  • Select View Actions

  • Reclassify Document from Clinical Document to Encounter Document

  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select Edit Document

  • Attach it to the appropriate patient encounter and Save

  • Now it’s ready to be put into the screening for the exam

  • Select the appropriate Screening from the menu at the top of the page

  • Choose Select Document

  • Select the Health History Questionnaire that it’s been changed it to

  • Select Ok and now it’s been put into the Encounter as the Screening

Q: Where do manually ordered questionnaire results go in Athena?

A: Questionnaire results which were manually ordered will be sent to Athena as a clinical document pdf under Recent Activity.

Q: What happens if an appointment is canceled after questionnaires have already been assigned to patients?

A: We are notified ONE time per appointment and each time we’re notified, we assign questionnaires; therefore, if an appointment is scheduled within your 2 week lookout period, CHADIS assigns questionnaires. If that appointment is then canceled and then rescheduled, CHADIS will assign another set of questionnaires because it recognizes it as a new appointment. However, if the appointment is rescheduled, rather than canceled, no additional questionnaires will be assigned as the initial set will still be applicable for the appointment.

To reduce the number of duplicate questionnaires, you can add a Min Days Between Assignments to your auto assignments. Based on the number of days you set, the system will not assign questionnaires for the same visit type if they’ve already been assigned within that number of days.

Q: How can I remove duplicate questionnaires that were assigned?

A: Go under the Questionnaires section in the patient’s chart and click on the red X to the left of the questionnaire you want to delete. Delete from the top of the list since they are listed in ascending order which means that the ones at the top were assigned to the original appointment and the ones closer to bottom of the list will be associated with the current encounter that will be checked in.

Q: What if a patient in Athena does not have an appointment scheduled, but I want them to take a questionnaire?

A: If the patient does not already exist in CHADIS because they have never had an appointment

scheduled in Athena, you will need to launch CHADIS and select Add Patient. When adding a patient, you must enter their name exactly as it appears in Athena and their Athena MRN # in the CHADIS Identifiers field in order to 1) avoid duplicate entries for the same patient and 2) have the results go back into the EHR. However, if the patient already exists in CHADIS, just go under the Questionnaires section of the chart and click Add Questionnaire.

NOTE: We do not recommend creating your own charts! We recommend waiting for the integration to create it for you when you schedule a mapped appointment.

Q: Does a parent need a different CHADIS account to access questionnaires for each child?

A: No! Each parent/respondent should have ONLY ONE CHADIS account, with a unique username and password. See Parents with Multiple Children for more info.

Q: Will the parent receive one notification for each child?

A: Yes. Each child is unique and has their own CHADIS chart. They will receive an email/text for each child; each notification is related to a single child.

Q: A parent is bringing in siblings/multiple children for their appointments. Will they get just one notification?

A: No, each notification is sent for each child and the link the parent receives is unique to THAT patient and THAT respondent, so if multiple children have questionnaires to complete for their appointments, they will receive notification for each child.

Q: Are visit types and questionnaires mapped to Athena?

A: Only visit types are mapped. Questionnaires are not mapped. So, if you’re adding a visit type, you need to inform your CHADIS account manager, but if you’re adding/removing/modifying questionnaires, you don’t. The clinical users with “Office Administrator” access are responsible for managing the questionnaires in your auto assignments.

Q: What are some reasons questionnaires would not be auto assigned?

A: Some reasons auto assignments would not occur are that a) the patient wasn’t scheduled using a mapped appointment type, b) the patient did not meet the age criteria AT the time questionnaires were assigned, c) the prematurity value was calculated based on the populated field, d) there was no respondent set up with the correct relationship for that age.

Q: How do I manually assign questionnaires?

In the patient’s chart in CHADIS, go to the Questionnaires section and Add Questionnaire and then go to the Respondents section and click Invite. The patient will receive a link that takes them to their assigned questionnaires. You can manually assign any questionnaire to anyone at any age, for any visit type, even if the visit type is not mapped. Click here for the full process.

Q: Do questionnaires expire?

A: Yes, questionnaires expire after 30 days from assignment.

Q: What does System API indicate?

A: System API indicates the questionnaire was assigned by the system; via the integration. If you see a person’s name instead, that indicates the questionnaire was assigned manually.

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