Frequently Asked Question

Troubleshooting (Athena Integrated Clients)
Last Updated 5 months ago

User SSO Access (Athena)

User is set up in CHADIS (Office Admin/Manage Users), but does not have SSO access from Athena to CHADIS

  • Look for “CHADIS” under Third Party Apps

  • Look for “CHADIS” under Demographics, Financial, Chart Home/Links/Care Summary (this will take you directly to patient’s chart in CHADIS)

  • Place a ticket with Athena and provide ticket number/issue to CHADIS account manager

User is set up in CHADIS, but does not have access to the CHADIS button in Athena

  • Confirm that the username in CHADIS is formatted as: theirathenausername@yourpracticeextension (ie.

  • If it’s not, go to the user’s profile in CHADIS and “Change this User’s Username” to the correct format

  • Contact your CHADIS account manager

User has access to the CHADIS button in Athena, but they get an error message

  • Go to user’s CHADIS profile and click Fix broken integrated staff user, choose office, Save

  • Place a ticket with Athena and provide ticket number/issue to CHADIS account manager

Questionnaires Not Assigned (Athena)

Questionnaires were not automatically assigned via the auto-assignments

  • The Athena appointment type is not mapped to a CHADIS visit type

  • It is a mapped visit, but no questionnaire is assigned to that age; ie. age criteria is not met based on the min age and max age your practice has set. Age is calculated AT time of notification! (Under Auto-assignments, you will see a yellow bar; that questionnaire must be duplicated with the Max Age to the primary caregiver being the age cutoff and the Min Age of the patient starting at the age cutoff or older.)

  • Prematurity factor – If the field under Vital Info is populated with a value, CHADIS will age adjust for developmental age vs. chronological age, up to age 2, per AAP guidelines. (This field must be manually entered under the Vital Information section of the CHADIS chart; it does NOT come from Athena.)

  • Respondent’s ‘relationship’ is not entered correctly (ie. mother’s name is set up, but relationship shows Self/Patient; or the patient’s name is set up, but relationship shows as primary caregiver; etc.)

  • The patient canceled their appointment and rescheduled within the Min Days Between Assignments. CHADIS will not assign questionnaires again for that many days for that same visit type. Calculate the Min Days Between Assignments

  • Check to see if they were assigned and then canceled by a staff member

  • Check to see if they expired. Once assigned, all questionnaires expire after 30 days. Calculate the date for 30 days from initial assignment.

  • Look at appointment history. Was the appointment canceled or rescheduled?

  • Consider your lookout period (ie. 2 weeks out). Did you make changes to your auto-assignments (ie. add/remove questionnaires, edit the age ranges, etc.) AFTER CHADIS assigned questionnaires? Note: CHADIS is notified one time per appointment and assigns questionnaires. If any changes are made to the auto-assignments after CHADIS is notified, they will not be in effect until the next appointment; therefore, you will need to manually assign questionnaires or add/remove them in the patient’s chart. Whatever you see under Questionnaires is what the respondent will see when they log in!

  • The appointment date is not within the lookout period; ie. CHADIS hasn’t assigned questionnaires yet because the appointment is not within the lookout period when the schedule is checked. Timing is critical.

Questionnaire Status Shows as New in CHADIS, but Respondent Cannot Access Questionnaires

Parent cannot access CHADIS questionnaires, but they show as New in CHADIS

  • Does the respondent have more than one account and, if so, were the questionnaires assigned to one account for them, but they logged in using the other account?

No Questionnaires Were Assigned to the Teen

No questionnaires were auto-assigned to the teen

  • Is there a self/patient respondent set up under Respondents in the CHADIS chart?

  • A few weeks prior to your age cutoff (the age at which your practice has determined you want teens to take their own questionnaires), was the teen Invited to set up their own CHADIS account?

  • Did the teen respondent under Respondents exist when the integration triggered the assignment of questionnaires; in other words, was there someone under Respondents with the correct Relationship (ie. Self) to assign to?

  • Staff or Parents can Invite the teen. Under Help (top right screen in CHADIS), type in the word Invite in the Search bar. You may want to post the step-by-step instructions with screenshots on your website for parents to invite teens.

User Cannot Access Waiting Room Features

User does not have access to waiting room features, such as login switch, device switch, invite, quick-enroll, etc.

  • Go under Office Admin, Manage Users and click on the box under Waiting Room. Click Save All.

When Quick-Enrolling, Message States Email/Number Already Exists

When quick-enroll respondent, message states email or number already exist

  • Under Respondents, use Add Existing and enter the unique username, email or number. Then, choose relationship to the patient. (You’re adding an existing respondent in your practice to another patient. Add Existing is used for respondents with multiple children so they can have one account.)

  • Each respondent should have ONLY ONE account; that is, one username and password to access CHADIS and take questionnaires for all their children.

Patient Chart is Not in CHADIS

Clicked on CHADIS button in EHR, but it didn’t take me to patient’s chart in CHADIS

  • CHADIS chart does not yet exist. The chart will be automatically created via the integration when a mapped visit type is scheduled within your lookout period. WAIT for the integration to create the chart; do NOT manually create the chart.

  • To double-check, once in CHADIS, click the Home button at the top left and Search for the patient.

  • There are two CHADIS buttons in Athena. The one under Apps will take you to the Home screen in CHADIS; the one under Medical Files will take you from the Athena chart to the CHADIS chart.

Multiple CHADIS Charts for Same Patient

A patient has more than one chart in CHADIS

Respondent Has Multiple Accounts

The same respondent has more than one account

  • Determine which account is active and being used by respondent. Update information on the good account and delete the respondent account that is no longer valid.

Respondent Requests Questionnaires in Different Language

The respondent wants to take questionnaires in different language

  • CHADIS supports English, Spanish, French and Chinese, but not all questionnaires are available in all languages. When in CHADIS, at the top right, click on the option for the language you want.
    • If the questionnaire is available in that language, it will immediately translate

    • If the questionnaire is not available in that language, a banner will appear in that language at the top of the page stating that it’s not available in that language. Click to change back to English.

Respondent Answered Incorrectly

The respondent did not understand the question or answered in error, but the questionnaire has been completed and status is Submitted

  • Results have been submitted and cannot be changed. Staff will need to manually assign the questionnaire and have the respondent re-take it.

Respondent Not Able to Access From Home

The respondent is set up in CHADIS and has taken questionnaires in the office, but is unable to access them from home

  • Respondent has not completed the registration process, does not know their username, or has forgotten their password.
    • Under Respondents, click on their name. It will tell you their username and you can also click on Reset this User’s Password. Provide them with their credentials (username and password).

    • If you click on their name in CHADIS and see their first and last name are First and Last, they haven’t registered; therefore, they don’t have a password. You can see their username on that screen and Reset this User’s Password and provide them both their username and password OR You can refer them back to the link or re-send them the registration link where they can create their own password that resonates with them

    • If they don’t know their username, go under Respondents and click on their name. You will see their username. It is also provided to them in the email they receive.

    • If they forgot their password, go under Respondents and click on their name. Then click Reset this User’s Password. Provide them with their password.

Sent Device Switch Message, but Link Expired

Used Send Device Switch Message, but link expired

  • When using this feature, link is only good for 5 minutes; be sure the respondent will be accessing it within 5 minutes. Ideal for in-office where there is a barrier between the front desk and respondent.

QR Code is Distorted

QR Code is distorted and cannot be scanned

  • Perform a full page reload (SHIFT-CTRL-R or CTRL-F5)
    • If that doesn’t work, contact CHADIS and provide Name of browser you’re using; ie. exe or web version and Screenshot of QR code

    • In the meantime, rather than revert to paper, here are two options: Go under the Respondents section and Invite the "Primary Caregiver" or "Self,” sending them an email or text. They should be instructed to click on the LONG link in it to access their questionnaires. They will need their username and password.

    • Use the Send Device Switch Message which will send them a link to access within 5 minutes, where they don't need to know their username and password. (Text may be faster than email.)

Sent Device Switch Message, but Respondent Couldn’t Open

Staff used Send Device Switch Message and respondent clicked on link, but was not able to access.

  • Send Device Switch Message will send an unsecure link so the respondent can take questionnaires without using credentials (ie. username and password). However, the link is only available for 5 minutes, so they must be able to access the link within 5 minutes of sending it. This includes the amount of time it takes for the phone carrier to send it.

  • If link expired, go to Respondents, click on the respondent’s name and provide them with their username. If they need a password, click Reset this User’s Password and provide them with that, as well.
    • Note: CHADIS does NOT store passwords; the password will show up on the screen one time!

Respondent Asked for Invitation Code

Respondent asked for invitation code to register.

  • Because you are integrated, there is no invitation code. Therefore, respondents cannot go directly to website to register. Respondents MUST click on the link in the email/text they received from CHADIS in order to register; instruct them to go back to the email/text and click on the embedded link.

How to Tell if a Questionnaire Was Manually Assigned

How do I know if a questionnaire was auto-assigned or manually assigned?

  • Under the Questionnaires section of the CHADIS chart, look under Assigned By
    • System API indicates it was auto-assigned

    • User’s name indicates it was manually assigned

How to See if a Questionnaire Was Canceled or Expired

How do I know if a questionnaire was canceled or expired?

  • Under the Questionnaires section of the CHADIS chart, click Show Details to see the details of any canceled or expired questionnaires
    • All questionnaires expire 30 days after assignment

Notification to Register Was Not Sent

Respondent stated they did not receive notification to register and/or take questionnaires

  • Does Respondent contact information exist; ie. email or mobile number? CHADIS identifies the respondent based on contact information in portal sign up field (email), patient email field (email), OR patient mobile field (text).

  • Is contact information correct?

  • Does the respondent have more than one account and, if so, were the questionnaires assigned to a specific account for them, but they use the other account to log in?

  • You can see the details of what was sent by going under Respondents and clicking on the name, then View Message History

Reminders Were Not Sent

Respondent stated they did not receive reminders to take questionnaires.(Once questionnaires are assigned, reminders for incomplete questionnaires will be sent 3 times in 9 days; days 3, 6, 9)

  • Does Respondent contact information exist; ie. email or mobile number?
    • If no, click Edit and enter correct information to be effective for all future visits

    • If yes, is contact information correct?

  • Is contact information correct?

  • Does the respondent have more than one account and, if so, were the questionnaires assigned to one account for them, but they logged in using the other account?

  • You can see the details of what was sent by going under Respondents and clicking on the name, then View Message History

  • Did the respondent select messaging preferences?

Results Going Into Athena

Results did not go back into Athena

  • Under Questionnaires, does the Status show as Submitted?

  • Is there a screener for that questionnaire in Athena? There must be a screener set up in Athena in order for results to go back as discrete. Note: All results go back as pdf.

  • Is there an associated encounter? Or, were the questionnaires taken associated with the original appointment and not the encounter that was checked in?

  • Is there a note in Athena explaining that discrete results could not be delivered because
    • The appointment was not checked-in when the results were sent

    • A "screener" could not be "enabled" for the encounter

  • If you’re set up for after check-in results, was the patient checked in? Results will only flow into Athena after the patient is checked-in. Prior to check-in, results are only available in CHADIS; create an instant report from the upper right side on the chart under Latest Reports.

  • If you’re set up for after check-in results, was the patient checked in? Results will only flow into Athena after the patient is checked-in. Prior to check-in, results are only available in CHADIS; create an instant report from the upper right side on the chart under Latest Reports.

Cannot find discrete results in Athena

  • Was the questionnaire assigned via the integration (ie. auto assigned)? Results of manually assigned questionnaires will not go back as discrete

  • Was the appointment checked when results were sent to Athena? CHADIS will only send discrete results after the encounter is checked-in.

  • Does Athena have a “custom” questionnaire screener available for that specific questionnaire (ie. the exact version)?

  • Has your practice enabled that “custom” questionnaire screener for the type of encounter used, for the age range of the target patient?

  • Were the questionnaires taken assigned to that specific encounter; ie. the appointment was not changed/canceled/no-showed? If that encounter is never checked in, the results will remain in CHADIS.

  • If you’re set up to receive pdf documents in real-time, discrete results cannot be enabled. Clinical documents (pdfs) will not attach to the encounter; staff must manually convert them to an encounter document and attach them to the appropriate encounter.

Clinical document did not attach to the encounter

  • Clinical documents (pdfs) will not attach to the encounter; staff must manually convert them to an encounter document and attach them to the appropriate encounter.

Results show a score of -1

  • Athena will only allow one score to come in from CHADIS; therefore, if a questionnaire has multiple sections (ie. ASQ), the score will show as negative 1 indicating there are multiple scores for that questionnaire. You can see all of them in the pdf.

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