Frequently Asked Question

CHADIS Well-Visit Reminders (CHADIS Direct Clients)
Last Updated 6 months ago

If using the Respondent-Driven workflow, turning on the CHADIS well-visit reminders is a great option to help automate the process of assigning questionnaires to patients/families. CHADIS well-visit reminders are email/text notifications that are sent to respondents when their patient is nearing a certain age. These reminders are based on age only, not the actual appointment date. 

The notification reminds the respondent to schedule their well-visit and complete CHADIS questionnaires by providing the link to log in. Once logged in, they will choose the appropriate visit (Well Check Visit) to assign questionnaires using your auto-assignments.

Your CHADIS account manager can turn these reminders on for you during implementation and will choose the ages that you have well-visits for. You can also turn these on if using a Staff-Driven Workflow, but make sure they aren’t interfering with the questionnaires your staff are already assigning.

You can choose custom ages, or choose from the recommended ages below:


Here is an example of a CHADIS well-visit reminder email:


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