Frequently Asked Question

Change a clinical user's password
Last Updated 3 months ago

Users with appropriate access can change passwords for staff members

1. From the CHADIS "Home" screen click on "Office Administration".
2. On the next screen click on "Manage Users".
3. Search for the user by first or last name.
4. Click on the user who needs the password reset.
5. At the top of the record, click the hyperlink "Reset this User's Password".
6. On the following screen, be certain the "New Password" box is clear. Then click on the "Reset" button.
7. The password will be reset automatically and the temporary case-sensitive password will be available in bold.
8. Copy the temporary password and communicate it confidentiality it to the user.
9. The user will be prompted to create a new password when they log-in the next time.

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