Frequently Asked Question

Introduce patients to CHADIS
Last Updated 4 years ago

There are many ways to introduce your patients to CHADIS. Below and attached are a few starting suggestions:

1. Script suggestions (for phone calls, adding to other office emails, etc):

We have started a new program called CHADIS – Child Health And Development Interactive System.
Using CHADIS will improve the communication between you and your child's doctor by providing us with vital information before you come in for your scheduled appointment. You will also be able to note concerns or questions that you may have. Please login to the portal to complete the questionnaires.

You have an appointment scheduled for ________. Prior to your appointment, please login to your portal account and complete the questionnaires. The results help us provide the best care for your family.

2. Suggestions on how/when to communicate to your patient-families about CHADIS

Phone – Scheduling Appointments: Collect eMail address – Create brief script to use answering
Phone – Reminder calls – Automated/Manual
Phone - On-Hold phone messaging
Phone - Text Message reminders
Mail - Introduce CHADIS through mailings - Post Cards/Letters
Electronic - Create a CHADIS area in the Patient Resources section of your Website
Electronic - Send out a Patient Bulletin from Patient Portal
Electronic - Introduce CHADIS through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
In Office - Waiting room posters
In Office - Bathroom stall posters
In Office – Brochures in waiting room, hand-outs with appointment cards
In Office - Business cards - with login instructions and space to add their username & PW
Verbal - Front Office/Waiting room staff
Verbal - Nurses/MAs
Verbal - Providers

3. Sample CHADIS Registration Letters
- Attached, one is a general version, the second is for CHADIS-Athena integrations.

4. Sample Postcard - Add in your invitation code and logo.

5. CHADIS Bilingual Poster - Post this poster in your waiting room and exam rooms.

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