Frequently Asked Question

General Overview (Athena Integration FAQs)
Last Updated 4 months ago

Q: How does the CHADIS/Athena integration work?

A: CHADIS checks the Athena schedule approximately every 90 minutes to see if there is a mapped appointment type booked within the next 2 weeks. If so, CHADIS registers the patient (i.e., creates the CHADIS chart) and assigns the appropriate questionnaires based on the visit type and age AT the time of notification. Once the questionnaires are completed, the results are returned to Athena.

Q: Will there be notification in Athena that questionnaires were assigned?

A: Yes, once questionnaires are assigned, an acknowledgment will be sent to Athena indicating all the questionnaires which were assigned and are now available to be taken.

Q: Is Athena a hosted or cloud solution?

A: The athenahealth EHR is a completely cloud-hosted solution, which means there isn’t any on premise hardware required.

Q: What type of integration is this?

A: This is an API-based integration.

Q: What does the phrase “Enhanced EHR support” mean?

A: It means that Athena has a template form in the EHR for that questionnaire, so the pdf document with the results is already labeled with the specific questionnaire name and if the encounter is open Athena can post the questionnaire results as discrete data in the Athena form. The practice is responsible for setting up the appropriate Athena templates to meet the requirements, including age. All questionnaires are supported with results being sent back to Athena and posted in the patient's chart.

Q: Is CHADIS connected to the Athena Patient Portal?

A: No, not at this time. It is something we hope to do in the future. Currently, all respondents will need to log in at

Q: How do clinical users access CHADIS?

A: Clinical users who are set up in CHADIS will be able to access CHADIS via Athena SSO. The CHADIS SSO button can be found under “Apps” or under “Chart Home/Links/Care Summary… Medical Files”. If using the one under Medical Files, it will take you directly to the patient’s chart in CHADIS. Clinical users will also be able to access CHADIS directly, but will need to get their CHADIS credentials (ie. username and password) from a CHADIS administrator in their office. It is unnecessary and highly unlikely that you will need to log into CHADIS directly, but it is possible.

Q: How do I schedule a patient appointment now that we’re integrated with CHADIS?

A: Schedule appointments in Athena the same as you always do; however, if you want questionnaires assigned, be sure to use a mapped appointment type. Questionnaire assignments will only occur for appointments mapped to CHADIS.

Q: How do I create a CHADIS chart?

A: Do not create CHADIS charts; the integration will automatically create the charts when the mapped appointment is scheduled within the next 2 weeks (i.e., your lookout period).

Q: When will I see the chart in CHADIS?

A: If the patient’s chart is not in CHADIS, there has not been a mapped appointment type within the next 2 week period yet; therefore, the integration has not yet created the chart. Wait for the integration to create charts to ensure the two systems communicate with automatically assigning questionnaires and returning results back to Athena. Data must match up exactly.

Q: What is the lookout period?

A: The lookout period is within the next 2 weeks; that is, if a mapped appointment is scheduled for sometime within the next 2 weeks, assignments will occur. No auto assignments will occur prior to the lookout period. However, you can manually assign questionnaires at any time.

Q: When will parents/patients receive their questionnaires?

A: Questionnaires are not sent anywhere; they are assigned and sit in CHADIS for respondents to access through the account they create when they register. All respondents must be set up in CHADIS prior to taking questionnaires, but that doesn’t mean they are fully registered.

Q: How do respondents register?

A: Once questionnaires are assigned, IF Athena sends CHADIS contact information, CHADIS will notify the respondent that they need to complete their registration. They must then click on a link to register; registration includes creating a password and security question. They cannot register directly on the website; they MUST use the link embedded in the notification. Once registered, they will have credentials (username and password) to log in from home.

Q: Does the respondent need to exist in CHADIS in order to take questionnaires?

A: Yes, respondents must be set up in order for the appropriate questionnaires to be assigned and taken.

Q: Are there other ways for respondents to be created?

A: Staff can manually add them in the office. This enrolls them quickly as a respondent, but they are still not registered. A link will be sent to them to complete their registration later.

Q: Why wasn’t a respondent set up in CHADIS?

A: If the patient has no email, mobile number or portal users associated, no respondent can be automatically created in CHADIS.

Q: How do I order CHADIS questionnaires?

With the integration, CHADIS questionnaires will automatically be assigned during the lookout period, based on visit type and patient’s age AT time of assignment. Under the Questionnaires section of the CHADIS chart, you can manually assign questionnaires at any time.

Q: When will patients receive their questionnaires?

A: CHADIS will send out notification of new questionnaire assignments, within 2 weeks in advance of appointments; ie. if a mapped appointment type is scheduled within the next 2 weeks (today, tomorrow, up to 2 weeks from today, etc.). The schedule refreshes throughout the day and will check again every 90 minutes to see if new mapped appointment types were scheduled within the next 2 weeks.

Q: Can reminder emails be sent to patients?

A: Yes, incomplete questionnaire reminder emails can be sent to patients (3 times in 9 days; days 3, 6 and 9 from the date of assignment) to remind them to complete questionnaires before their appointments. Once questionnaires have been completed, the reminder emails will stop. Work with your account manager to have reminders set up.

Q: Where are results returned if questionnaires are done in advance of appointments?

A: If you have real-time results programmed, when patients complete questionnaires prior to their visits, the results will appear as a clinical document pdf in the Chart under the Recent Activity Section.

Q: Where are results returned if questionnaires are done in the office after the encounter has been checked in?

A: When patients complete questionnaires in the office after their visit has been checked in, the results will appear in the Encounter as discrete results.

Q: What are some reasons discrete results won’t be delivered?

A: Discrete results cannot be delivered for manually assigned questionnaires; for canceled appointments or no-shows; or if there is not a corresponding mapped Athena screening questionnaire template.

Q: Will the status of the questionnaires be available in Athena?

A: Yes. Staff and providers will be able to see whether the questionnaires are Pending or Complete under the Patient Forms section of the Appointment Right Panel.

Q: Can questionnaires be assigned to multiple respondents (i.e. parent and child complete assigned questionnaires for one visit)?

A: The CHADIS/Athena integration only assigns questionnaires to one respondent at a time. This is based on the age cutoff (the age at which you want teens to take their own questionnaires) as determined by your practice when setting up the auto assignments. Based on your age cutoff, questionnaires can only be assigned via the integration, to primary caregivers up to the age cutoff; questionnaires must be assigned to self at the age cutoff and up. If you want more than one respondent to complete the questionnaires, you will need to manually assign to the others. (Note: You can manually assign to any respondent in CHADIS; the age cutoff does not apply since it’s not being automatically assigned via the integration.)

Q: What if my age cutoff is 14, but I want an 11 year old to take a questionnaire (i.e., PHQ-9, CRAFFT, etc.)?

A: In order for the integration to automatically assign the questionnaire, it must be assigned to the primary caregiver up to age 14. However, the primary caregiver may see in the title that it’s intended for the child, but CHADIS will also provide a warning stating that the questionnaire is for the child and to give it to the child to take.

The only way to know for sure that the child took the questionnaire is to have them set up their own CHADIS account so it is assigned to them or to have them take it in the office where you would set them up as a respondent and manually assign it to them.

Q: How are questionnaires assigned to teachers and how do they complete them?

A: Staff or parents can Invite a teacher to complete a questionnaire by logging in to CHADIS, going to the patient’s account, and adding a teacher respondent. The teacher will be notified via email they have a questionnaire to complete, can quickly create a CHADIS account, and complete the questionnaires assigned to them electronically rather than the patient having to deliver the paper questionnaire to them. View the full process here. The results from the questionnaire will automatically be returned to athenaNet as a clinical document PDF. You may want to post the instructions for parents inviting teachers on your website. Parents can Invite the teacher from the Home Page of their CHADIS account.

Q: How are questionnaires assigned to teens and how do they complete them?

A: Staff or parents can Invite a teen to complete a questionnaire by logging in to CHADIS, going to the patient’s account, selecting the “Invite” hyperlink under the Respondents section, and then filling in the teen’s information. The teen will be notified via email they have a questionnaire to complete, can quickly create a CHADIS account, and complete the questionnaires assigned to them. The results from the questionnaire will automatically be returned to athenaNet as a clinical document PDF. View the full process here. You may want to post the instructions for parents inviting teens on your website. Parents can Invite the teen from the Home Page of their CHADIS account.

Q: What if parents/patients don’t complete their questionnaires before a visit?

A: Questionnaires can be completed in the waiting room via a PC, tablet, or smartphone. Staff can assist respondents by using the options Login Switch (for tablets), Device Switch (to scan QR code onto the respondent’s device), or Send Device Switch Message (link only lasts for 15 minutes, so this option is best used only if there is a barrier between the front desk and respondent where the respondent can’t hand over their device to scan the QR code AND is ready to take the questionnaires). View the full process here.

Q: How quickly will results be returned if the questionnaire is completed in the waiting room?

A: CHADIS processes questionnaires and will return the results to Athena within minutes of the questionnaire being submitted so the provider can review the results during the appointment. Results are always immediately available in CHADIS.

Q: What is the invitation code?

A: Because you are integrated, there is no invitation code. Refer the respondent back to the invite they received and have them click on the link. NOTE: Because you are integrated, respondents MUST register using the link; they CANNOT self-register or sign-up on because there is no invitation code. You can re-send the registration link if needed. 

Q: Does CHADIS send reminders?

A: CHADIS can send reminders for incomplete questionnaires. If respondent information is available and the practice has selected ‘reminders’ to be programmed, then once the questionnaires are assigned, reminders will be sent on days 3, 6 and 9 from day of assignment if they are not completed.

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