Frequently Asked Question

Invite additional users, such as teacher and teens, to complete CHADIS
Last Updated 3 months ago

1. From the Home screen within the CHADIS system, click in the Search box and search for the Patient – not the Respondent.
2. Click on magnifying glass to the to the left of the patient’s name to select the patient.
3. The Details window for the patient will appear. Scroll down to Respondent and click on “Invite”.
4. Complete the following information: Choose “Relationship”. "Longevity" should be set to 1 month and leave “Number of Uses” blank as this allows the invitee multiple opportunities to complete the questionnaire(s).
5. Complete the recipient’s name and email address and include text in the extra text box if you have any additional information.
6. Click “Save”.
7. You will come to a window that says, “Invitation created” with a specific invitation code and expiration date. This invitation code is what you want to give to your invitee (If you did not choose the email function within this process, you should either call the invitee or send a letter specifying the invitation code.) For Teachers, it is recommended that you send the email to the parents and ask them to forward it to the teacher’s email address. Using this method gives parental consent and therefore fulfills that requirement.

Note: This invitation code is different from the one on the Registration Letter in that it connects the “Respondent” directly to the patient for which you’d like them to complete a questionnaire

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