Frequently Asked Question

Merge duplicate patients into one account
Last Updated 5 years ago

1. From the Home screen within the CHADIS system, enter the patient’s name in the search window and hit the "Enter" key on your keyboard.
2. Select the patient you are looking for by clicking on the magnifying glass to the left of the patient’s name.
3. The details window for the patient you have selected will then appear. Click on "merge".
4. This will open the "search patient" area again.
5. Locate the duplicate account by using the search bar and click on the magnifying glass in front of the duplicate account.
6. Next, both patient profiles will be listed and can be merged into one destination profile by following the next steps.
7. Since the information between the duplicates may differ, choose the profile with the correct data to make it the destination profile for data from the other (duplicate) profile. All information will be moved from the other profile to the destination profile.

View this video to see the process in action.

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